Shalom Community Funding Scheme

Project Sub Goals


To construct an extension building of the home and fence perimeter- volunteer rooms, learning space, play area, workshop space.

To complete construction of a home and fence perimeter

A complex of building that make up a centre for children with disabilities



Construction already in progress – dinning and sitting room, 3 bedrooms each accommodating 4 children and 1 caretaker -2 toilets and 2 bathrooms (2 in 1)



Grant support




Grant support

Purchase building materials, contract labours, building fence perimeter


Contract a quantity surveyor to prepare budget estimates,

Ferrying building materials to the project site.

Contract builders Contract a plumber and electrician

Installation of utilities

Availability of project water.



Seek for grant

Installation of water bills.

electricity installation bills



There are four different groups for this project categorised as follows:

BDown syndrome 11
CCerebral palsy257
 Total 162137

Their age group ranges from 7 to 25. The home is intended to provide children with accommodation so that they get specialized personal care which is required to erase the picture they suffer of social neglect and social isolation. At the home there will be keen supervision given to the children and close monitoring of their health.

Literacy Training

The children will be provided with elementary literacy exposure like sign language for the deaf, Braile writing for the blind who will be then fixed in schools to receive academic preparation. The children will sing and play to refresh their brains in the home. A playground and playing centre for indoor games will be put in place to stimulate their brains.

Skill Training

Children, especially those who are slow at learning, will be taught skills through craft work. This is intended to enable them to learn an employable skill for a productive, self- reliant and successful life during adulthood. Provide social and self-help skills training

Staff Administration

The centre will operate with 20 fulltime staff members and medical personnel.

  • Project director (full time) Responsible for hiring project staff, overseeing project development and operation, establishing and maintaining links with local and international organization.
  • Administrator secretary (full time) Responsible for the day to day running of the centre, maintaining the structure and appearance of the centre, routine correspondence
  • Care Assistants (12) carry out day to day activities at the centre and general hygiene of the home and children any other duties as assigned by the administrator.
  • Social worker (1) Assess and follows up on outreach activities.
  • Accountant (1) responsible for accounting and audit accounts
  • Doctor (part time) Responsible for medical check-up of children, treatment and referrals.
  • Support Staff (3 full time) Responsible for caring for the children, cooking, security and transportation.


The centre will depend on donor support for the starting years, as we carry out mini vocational training workshops for older children with their mothers most of whom, the husbands abandoned so trainings in candle making, tailoring and embroidery, bakery and cookery as the project director will be developing auxiliary projects such as farming to provide food for the home, poultry project and rearing of cows to provide milk for the children. These activities will be also income generating and hence forth foster sustainability of the home.

Working in partnerships with other organisations in terms of building links and seeking to learn from others to strengthen and improve skills. Working together with the community to provide services like volunteering, market for the hand made and crafts products made by shalom community. Sharing our skills with community by offering our services to them like car wash day, clean market day as means to publicise and create awareness to the community around us.

Funding scheme

The following funding scheme is proposed

 Schemes Required Remarks
ILand purchasePurchased
2Construction of a community homeOngoing not complete
3Requirement for running the centrepending
4Education support for childrenpending
5Personal /Care giver costspending
6Training/sensitization programpending
7Vocational Trainings ( workshops)Pending
 Construction workPending


Total estimate cost for running Shalom community Based Rehabilitation home for children with disabilities ( year 1)


                  ITEM                          Total (Amount)
1Finishing Shalom Community Home Centre UGX                         10,354,000
2Construction of Learning Centre UGX                       164,043,700
 Total UGX                      174,397,700

Estimated Budgets for the Facilities